11:00 – 12:00 (GMT)
A1: Heating and Cooling
Presentation title
Miryam Essadik
Session winner
University of Glasgow
Defrosting Operation of a Flexible Heat Pump Cycle
Ahmed Eltayeb
University of the West of Scotland
Thermal Conductivity Enhancement of Fluids
Neha Mehta
University of Birmingham
Decarbonisation of Heat Using Heat Pumps: A Life Cycle Assessment Study
Mousa Zerai
University of Edinburgh
Intelligent Sustainable Heat Transformation
A2: Energy Systems
Presentation title
Orestis Angelidis
Session winner
University of Glasgow
District Heating and Cooling Networks with Decentralised Energy Substations: Opportunities and Barriers for Holistic Energy System Decarbonisation
Tesfu Gebremedhin
University of Strathclyde
System Modelling and Stability of "Net-Zero" Power Grid
Weronika Tadrak
Cardiff University
Evaluating the Potential of Scaling up of Individual Residential Smart Local Energy Systems to Community Scale Smart Local Energy System
Emily Chapman
University of Strathclyde
The Value of Offshore Wind-Derived Hydrogen to Scottish Energy Security
A3: Transport
Presentation title
Jenny Milne
University of Aberdeen
Rural Maas: Testing Transport technologies with Rural Stakeholders
Kathleen Davies
Session winner
University of Strathclyde
The Interaction Between the Scottish Government Transport Network Vision and Electrical Networks
Pat Langdon
Edinburgh Napier University
Project HEART: Hydrogen-Electric Autonomous Regional Transportation - A New Model of Sub-regional Aviation
A4: Solar
Presentation title
Shaoyang Wang
University of St Andrews
Triple Halide Wide Bandgap Perovskites for Efficient Indoor Photovoltaics |
Lewis Osikibo Tamuno-Ibuomi
Session winner |
Glasgow Caledonian University |
Optimising the Packing Efficiency of Building Integrated Concentrating Photovoltaic Systems for Improved Performance and Aesthetics |
Xiang Zhang |
KU Leuven |
On-site Data-driven Estimating of Dynamic Solar Gains: Embedding Grey and Black Box Modelling |
A5: Transition from Oil and Gas
Presentation title
Racheal Adedokun
Robert Gordon University
Governance of Transition: Assessing Accountability and Transparency of Strategic Planning for Grid-based Renewable Energy Development in Nigeria
Jesus Arturo Regalado Ruiz de Chavez
Session winner
University of Aberdeen
Effects of Decline Rate Uncertainty and Financial Security Obligations on the Decision to Decommission Offshore Oil and Gas Installations: A UKCS Case Study
Sergi Arnau
University of Aberdeen
Barrier Qualification Chamber
Johnson Jimba
Heriot-Watt University
Experimental Investigation of Coriolis Meter Performance Under CCS Transport Conditions
13:00 – 14:00 (GMT)
B1: Bioenergy & Geothermal
Presentation title
Jakub Mularski
Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Development of a Zero-dimensional Biomass Ignition Model
Denzel Christopher Makepa
Chinhoyi University of Technology
Technoeconomic Analysis and Lifecycle Assessment of Biofuels Production from Microwave Assisted Pyrolysis of Pine Sawdust
Robert Sait-Stewart
Session winner
University of Strathclyde
An Integrated Kinetic Model to Evaluate the Quality and Composition of Syngas from the Supercritical Water Gasification of Wet Biomass
David Walls
University of Strathclyde
Exploring Mine Water Geothermal Potential in Clackmannanshire, Scotland
B2: Offshore
Presentation title
Alessio Genco
University of Dundee
Numerical Investigation of Offshore Rock Anchors Subject to the Horizontal Loading
Paul Kerr
University of Edinburgh
Screening Early Stage Conversion Technologies for Wave Energy Applications
Shuijin Li
Session winner
University of Dundee
Experiments and Computations of Wave Interaction with a Multi-unit Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
Arun Kumar
University of Dundee
Current Interaction with Nonlinear Shallow-water Waves
B3: Energy Distribution and Infrastructure 1
Presentation title
Samuel Hayward
Session winner
University of Edinburgh
Coordinating Smart Hybrid Distribution Transformers to Support Local Clean Energy Systems
Agatha Williams-Kelly
University of Edinburgh
Control and Design Requirements for Virtual Synchronous Machine Functionality in Modular Multi-level Converters
Charlie Shepherd
University of Dundee
Optimisation and Enhancement of the Uplift load-Displacement Response of Steel Grillages for Overhead Line Foundations
Liang Min
University of Glasgow
Operational Coordination of Electricity and Natural Gas Networks Considering Power-to-Gas Based on Symmetrical Semidefinite Programming
B4: Batteries and Storage
Presentation title
Albert Sola Vilalta
Session winner
University of Edinburgh
ADMM-based Unit and Time Decomposition for Price Arbitrage by Cooperative Price-Maker Electricity Storage Units
Fraser McCann
University of Strathclyde
Rethinking Energy Storage Materials
Carlos Fernandez
Robert Gordon University
MXene for Energy Storage Devices and Their Thermal Modelling Behaviour
Nagisa Sugishita
University of Edinburgh
Pre-trained Solution Methods for Unit Commitment |
B5: Energy Efficiency in Buildings 1
Presentation title
Olufolake Olumogba
Session winner |
Glasgow School of Art |
Relationship Between User Satisfaction and Carbon Footprints in Buildings |
Corina Astrid Bagireanu
Edinburgh Napier University
Development of Net-zero Homes Using a Digital Twinned Building Performance Analysis
Antoine Reguis
Edinburgh Napier University
Connecting Scottish Public Buildings to Low Temperature Heat
Androniki Papathanasi
University of Edinburgh
An Interdisciplinary Energy Analysis and Modelling Towards Decarbonising Scotland’s Building Sector in a Virtual Multi-vector Energy Plant Model
B6: Energy and Society 1
Presentation title
Finlay Bain Kerr
Session winner
University of Strathclyde
Aligning Local Social and Economic Conditions to Net Zero: Just Development of Minewater Geothermal Energy
Elliott Woodhouse
University of Sheffield
Environmental Ethics and the Public Concern with "Tampering with Nature" in Response to Carbon Capture and Geoengineering
Jessica Hogan
University of St Andrews
What Makes Local Energy Projects Acceptable? Probing the Connection Between Ownership Structures and Community Acceptance
15:00 – 16:00 (GMT)
C1: Energy and Society 2
Presentation title
Simon Vakeva-Baird
Session winner
University College London
Combining Consultation Surveys, Qualitative Discussion and Quantitative Multi-criteria Decision-making Workshops to Engage Stakeholders Within The Design Process for Healthy Net-zero Whole Life Carbon Buildings |
Huma Iqbal |
University of Edinburgh |
Multi-level Domestic Energy Management Using Second-life Battery Storage and PV Distributed Generation |
Guanyu Yang
University College London
How Are Cooling Decisions Social? Evidence From a Survey on Office Cooling of Financial Employees in Southern China |
Emma Korein
University of Delaware
Community Attitudes Regarding Procedural, Distributive and Recognition Justice Dimensions of Southern New England Offshore Wind Development |
C2: Hydrogen
Presentation title
Haitian Chen
University of Strathclyde
Development of Carbon-based Catalysts for Upgrading Biogas to Low Carbon Fuels
Robert Price
Session winner
University of Strathclyde
Utilisation of Distillery Whisky Waste Streams as Feedstocks for Hydrogen Production: Direct Electrolysis of Biomass
Yihuai Zhang
University of Glasgow
Pore-scale Imaging of Hydrogen in Porous Media
C3: Energy Distribution & Infrastructure 2
Presentation title
Arshad Syed Anwar |
Glasgow Caledonian University |
Strategic Assessment of the Technical and Economic impacts on Investment Decisions of Electric Grid Transmission Systems |
Mohamed Ahmed Numair |
Glasgow Caledonian University |
A Digital Twin for Future Distribution Networks with Smart Meter Data Driven Monitoring and Control |
Taimur Zaman |
University of Strathclyde |
Hybrid Adaptive Droop Control of LVDC Microgrid using Fractional Order SMC and Neural Networks |
Andreas Lindemann
Session winner |
University of Edinburgh |
Who Decides Who pays? Understanding Governance of Energy Networks Through Transition Cost Allocation |
C4: Materials
Presentation title
Sean William Douglas
University of Dundee
Ink Jet Printing of Particle-free Organometallic Platinum Ink for application in Dye Sensitised Solar Cells |
Ayushi Arora
University of Edinburgh
Photo Catalytic Oxidation for Water Treatment and Environmental Remediation |
Marwa Moustafa Waly
Australian University and Glasgow Caledonian University
Sustainable Industrial Waste Management a Focus on Application of Constructed Wetlands Using Waste Materials |
Maciej Jozwik
Session winner
University of Dundee
Performance of Equivalent Maturity Low Carbon Concrete using Accelerated Curing |
C5: Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2
Presentation title
Mahsa Sayfikar
Session winner
Heriot-Watt University
Occupancy Characterization in Non-domestic Dynamic Building Simulation
Robin Talbot
University of Brighton
Historic Churches and the Challenges Associated with Reaching Net-zero. Simulating Comfort From Radiant Heating Systems
Lesley Thomson
Heriot-Watt University
The Use of Real Energy Consumption Data in Characterising Resedential Energy Demand
Bo Han
Heriot-Watt University
Using ANN Technology to Determine Microclimate Parameters for NLS's Collections to Enable Energy Efficiency Improvements
C6: Wind
Presentation title
Emily Hird
University of Strathclyde
How Multilevel Modelling can Improve Ground Modelling for Offshore Wind Farms |
Mary Atolagbe
Session winner
Robert Gordon University
Digitalization of Supply Chain in the Offshore Wind Sector
Nadir Ali Abdullah Al Shibli
University of Edinburgh
Design and Optimization of Low Speed, High-torque Switched Reluctance Machines for Wind Energy