ETP is a partnership of 14 Scottish universities delivering world-class capability and resources in energy research, development, and demonstration. Its unparalleled energy capability and core research strengths across a broad range of energy technologies can provide the spark you need to bring your ideas closer to market.
On the road to net-zero, traditional renewable energy generation (wind & solar) has formed the centrepiece of Scotland’s decarbonisation strategy through electrification. However, there are parts of the economy and energy sector that are difficult to decarbonise. As such, Hydrogen could be a key component of the energy jigsaw and help to decarbonise key sectors including transport (notably heavy-duty vehicles, aviation & shipping), industrial high temperature heat and potentially in energy storage solutions.
ETP’s 14 member universities have significant expertise and facilities in a number of areas in the low carbon hydrogen sector including hydrogen production, fuel cell development, system integration and materials development.