Time (GMT)
09:30 – 10:00 |
Registration, Exhibition, and Networking |
10:00 – 10:10
Welcome and Introduction
- Professor Stuart Galloway (ETP Interim Co-Executive Director, University of Strathclyde)
- Natasha Madeira (ETP Business Development Manager - Hydrogen)
10:10 - 11:20
Plenary 1 - Taking Stock of the Hydrogen Innovation Ecosystem
Keynote overview and panel discussions
Chair: Professor Stuart Galloway (ETP)
Translating Strategies into Action: Achievements and Next Steps |
Stuart McKay (Head of Hydrogen Policy, Scottish Government) |
UK and European Hydrogen-Related Funding |
Avijita Kharel (Knowledge Transfer Manager (Clean Energy/Hydrogen), Innovate UK Business Connect) |
SHINing a Light on the Scottish Hydrogen Economy |
Jamie Robinson (Hydrogen Specialist, Scottish Enterprise) |
Trailblazers, Pinch Points, and Future Hydrogen Innovation Priorities
Hydrogen 'Team Scotland' Panel Discussion: Overview and Highlights of Major Projects and Initiatives
Chair: Jamie Robinson (Scottish Enterprise)
- Matthew Finn (Commercial Director, EMEC)
- Amy Perry (Project Development Manager - Hydrogen, ETZ)
- Ana Pires de Almeida (Senior Project Engineer, NZTC)
- Nigel Holmes (CEO, Hydrogen Scotland)
Celebrating Scottish Hydrogen Innovators: Innovation Programmes and Initiatives
EETF Hydrogen Innovation Scheme and ETP Hydrogen Innovation Programme overview and highlights for hydrogen projects on enabling technologies, energy transition and diversification, test & demonstration facilities and demonstrators
Chair: Professor Stuart Galloway (ETP)
- Natasha Madeira (ETP)
- Adam Frew (Mott MacDonald, EETF HIS - Technical Reviewer)
11:25 - 12:35
Parallel Sessions 1: Hydrogen Innovation Support and Investment Priorities
Panel discussion and expertise-led focus groups
Session A1: Full Hydrogen Sector Supply Chain
Breakout subtopics: Resources, materials, feedstocks, components, equipment, systems, services, derivatives, etc.
Chair: Jamie Robinson (Scottish Enterprise)
Facilitator: Natasha Madeira (ETP)
- Matt Lees (Clyde Hydrogen)
- Khurram Qadir (Cyngas Solutions)
- Michelle Hitches (ORE Catapult)
Session B1: Infrastructure and Scale Up
Breakout subtopics: Facilities, production, storage, compression, transport, export, industrial processes, decarbonisation, grid connection, etc.
Chair: Matthew Finn (EMEC)
Facilitator: Tanja Groth (Project Manager, SHINe)
- Ana Pires de Almeida (NZTC)
- Marta Oliveira (Glasgow Airport, Ikigai)
- Andrew Morson (Scottish Water Horizons)
- Amy Perry (ETZ)
Session C1: Hydrogen Safety - Standards and Regulation
Session focus: Innovation Priorities to Unblock Progress
Critical Pathways for Innovation Support and Investment
Chair: Dr Fiona Sillars (AMRL Team Leader & MAE Deputy Director Knowledge Exchange, University of Strathclyde)
Facilitator: James Ruel (Innovation Lead, SHINe)
Standards and Regulations Overview: Helen Curry (Hydrogen Policy Manager, Scottish Government)
Panel 1:
- Ally Scott (Scottish Gas Network)
- Martin Hanton (TÜV SÜD)
- Paul Quinn (DNV)
- Ian Valentine (Stewart Buchanan Gauges)
Panel 2:
- Mamdud Hossain (Robert Gordon University)
- Mahmood Anwar (Glasgow Caledonian University)
- Alaster McDonach (NMIS)
Session D1: Innovation Journey
Session focus: Innovators panel assement of successes, lessons learnt, performance, and support
Chair: Tobias Hofmeister (Head of Prototyping, Flexergy)
Facilitator: Alex Reid (Director, EcoTech Evolution)
Panel 1:
- Giuseppe Sercia (BPP Renewables)
- Daniel Musenga-Grant (HVS)
- Rhodri Hawkins (Green Cat Hydrogen)
- Willem Baartman (Láidir. Circular Mobility)
Audience Q & A
12:35 - 13:40
Lunch, Exhibition, and Networking
13:40 - 14:50
Parallel Sessions 2: Critical Pathways for Innovation Support and Investment
Panel discussion and expertise-led focus groups
Session A2: Full Hydrogen Sector Supply Chain
Follow on from A1
Chair & Facilitator: Natasha Madeira (ETP)
- Jamie Newbold (SRUC)
- John Bingham (ETC)
- Mark Symes (University of Glasgow)
- Graham Flett (ESRU)
Session B2: Infrastructure and Scale Up
Follow on from B1
Chair: Nigel Holmes (CEO, Hydrogen Scotland)
Facilitator: Tanja Groth (SHINe)
- Ally Scott (Scottish Gas Network)
- Nadimul Faisal (Hy-One, Robert Gordon University)
- Paul Quinn (DNV)
Session C2: Resource Optimisation: Water Management for Hydrogen Sector
Session focus: Identification of Innovation Priorities and Critical Pathways for Innovation Support and Investment
Session subtopics: Salt water, brine, industrial water, mine water, wastewater, freshwater, etc.
Chair: Proffesor John Andresen (ETP Hydrogen Theme Champion, Heriot-Watt University)
Facilitator: James Ruel (SHINe)
Panel 1:
- Sudhager Pitchaimuthu (Heriot-Watt University)
- Martin Duncan (Scottish Water Horizons)
Panel 2:
- Marie Karlsson- Carruthers (Marubeni Europower)
- David Lindsey-Hood (Locogen)
Session D2: Innovation Journey
Creative Kitchen - Cooking Up Success
What would be the magic ingredient or tools which could ensure more success? In what ways could innovators benefit from pooling of resources and focus group collaboration? What do we have? Where are the gaps?
Serving Up a Tasting Menu of Options
Agenda for collaboration
Chair: Tobias Hofmeister (Flexergy)
Facilitator: Alex Reid (EcoTech Evolution)
Panel 1:
- Trish McLay (Barclays Eagle Labs)
- Nathan Barnett (Scottish Enterprise)
- Andrew Vaughan (SDI)
- Alaster McDonach (NMIS)
Audience Q & A
14:50 - 15:15
Break, Exhibition, and Networking
15:20 - 16:10
Plenary 2: Workshop Feedback and Discussion on Opportunities, Priorities, and Critical Pathway
Chair: Natasha Madeira (ETP)
Hydrogen Supply Chain |
Chair/Facilitator: Natasha Madeira (ETP)
Support Facilitators:
- Mojtaba Mirzaeian (University of the West of Scotland)
- Robert Olrog (SHINe)
Infrastructure and Scale Up |
- Nigel Holmes (Hydrogen Scotland)
- Matthew Finn (EMEC)
Facilitator: Tanja Groth (SHINe)
Safety: Standards and Regulations |
Chair: Fiona Sillars (University of Strathclyde)
Facilitator: James Ruel (SHINe)
Resource Optimisation: Water Management for Hydrogen Sector |
Chair: John Andresen (ETP, Heriot-Watt University)
Facilitator: James Ruel (SHINe)
Innovation Journey |
Chair: Tobias Hofmeister (Flexergy)
Facilitator: Alex Reid (EcoTech Evolution)
16:10 - 16:45
Plenary 3: Scottish Government - Looking to the Future
- John Fotheringham (Hydrogen Investment Team Leader, Scottish Government)
Discussion panel session on:
- Future innovation and policy development opportunities
- Strategic alliances and partnership opportunities: home and abroad
- Collaboration and pooling resources: innovation support services and facilities opportunities
Chair: Dr Alexandra Stein (European Hydrogen Envoy, Scottish Government) and Natasha Madeira (ETP)
- John Fotheringham (Scottish Government)
- Andrew Vaughan (Senior International Executive, Scottish Development International)
- Nathan Barnett (Innovate UK Innovation and Growth Specialist, Scottish Enterprise)
- Tanja Groth (SHINe)
- Tobias Hofmeister (Flexergy)
16:45 - 17:00
Reflections and Next Steps
Chair: Natasha Madeira (ETP)
17:00 |
Close |